【商品説明】 竹網の古い行李2梱セット 昭和初期 解れなどの劣化有 。「行李(こうり)」とは、竹や柳、籐などを編んでつくられた蓋付きの箱で、その昔、旅行用の荷物入れや衣類の収納に用いられた道具。対して「つづら」は竹などの植物を編んでそれに和紙を貼り、漆などを塗ってできた箱。
Set of 2 old bamboo mesh wicker boxes from the early Showa period. Deteriorated with fraying. A "wicker box" is a box with a lid made of woven bamboo, willow, rattan, etc., and was used in the past to store luggage and clothes when traveling. In contrast, a "tsuzura" is a box made of woven bamboo and other plants, pasted with Japanese paper and painted with lacquer. Please check the images and videos to see the deterioration over time. ([Note] There is a basic limit of 10 images and 31 seconds for videos, so it may not be possible to convey everything.) If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, LINE, email, or Instagram message. We will answer your questions honestly.
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