【商品説明】 100年物アンティークドロワー 抽斗箪笥 江戸時代。小型ですのでチェストとしても使えますが、小物の収納としても雰囲気あります。
100 year old antique drawer drawer chest Edo period. Since it is small, it can be used as a chest, but it also has an atmosphere of storing small items.
Please check the images and videos for deterioration over time. ([Note] There is a limit of 10 images and 30 seconds of video, so you may not be able to convey everything.) If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, LINE, email, or Instagram message. I will answer honestly.
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◎火曜定休 ◎取り置き不可 ◎来店予約不要 ◎代引き&振込手数料ご負担ください。
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