【商品説明】 縄文中期深鉢型土器複製品 昭和25年製作 専用箱入。加曾利E式あたりの縄文中期深鉢の破片を元にして、復元した作品。製作年代も昭和25年と古く専用の箱入り。飾って楽しめる品です。
A reproduction of deep pot-shaped earthenware from the mid-Jomon period, produced in 1950, in a special box. This work was restored based on the fragments of a deep pot from the mid-Jomon period, around the Kasori E style. The production date is 1950, so it comes in a special box. It is an item that can be displayed and enjoyed.
The Middle Jomon period is the fourth period of the Jomon period, and refers to a period of about 2,500 years from around 5500 BC to around 3000 BC. It was the longest period of the Jomon period, and also the period when Jomon culture was most developed.
Please check the images and videos for other signs of deterioration over time. Please contact us if you have any questions.
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