【商品説明】 自然が織りなす偶然性の木塊オブジェ 昭和後期。木の根オブジェの魅力は、なんといってもその自然の造形美です。木の根は、長い年月をかけて、自然の力によって形成されたものです。そのため、ひとつとして同じ形のものはなく、それぞれに独特の美しさを持ちます。
A random wooden object woven by nature. Late Showa era. The appeal of tree root objects is, above all, their natural beauty. Tree roots are formed by the forces of nature over many years. Therefore, no two pieces have the same shape, and each piece has its own unique beauty.
Another appeal of tree root objects is that you can feel the warmth of the tree. Even after the roots of a tree are separated from the trunk and branches, they retain the warmth of the tree. Therefore, you can feel the warmth of nature when you touch it. It is popular as an accent for interior decoration and gardening, and as a gift. This is an attractive object that allows you to appreciate the beauty of nature while feeling the warmth of the wood.
Please check the images and videos for other signs of deterioration over time. Please contact us if you have any questions.
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